The Loy Brunson Challenge

Constitution Week September 21 2024

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Cash Prizes and Magador Silver Coins

TV Pilot Contest!!!

  • 1st Prize $1,500
  • 2nd Prize $1,000

Auditions 10am to 5pm

5:30pm Judges, Finalists, Winners and Awards

Judges include 

  • Lara Logan
  • A Surprise Celebrity Guest
  • Penelope Ann Miller*
    (stars as Nancy in Reagan movie)

*If "Reagan" movie obligations allow.

$20 suggested gift Per person ages 6-106

The Freedom Encounter Theater 
3220 Falls Parkway, Branson, Missouri 65616

Admission $20 suggested gift per person appreciated! 
(includes all day pass and one voucher for one audition)

Say or Sing in 10 Seconds: What you would do if you were the President?

For tickets and more Information go to

Loy Brunson

"Founder of 'Kids Save USA!'"


Author of book: "The Constitution of the United States of America for Federal, State, and Local Officials Plus Seven Powerful Constitutional Discoveries..."

Jesus taught with questions and "Out of the mouths of babes" came answers.

For Tickets/Auditions go to or TEXT "tix" to 385-241-0123 or 801-716-0142
Tickets also available at the door.
Tickets include one Audition Voucher.

Special Thanks to:

  • C.A. Hartnell, author
  • (Hotel close to event)